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Seed library returns to the local library

Veteran and aspiring gardeners will soon be able to get their hands on some seeds thanks to the Chatham-Kent Public Library (CKPL).

All 11 branches will offer a variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds for residents to grow, starting Thursday, March 20.

The CKPL Grows Seed Library provides free seeds for residents so they can grow healthy gardens, have access to affordable food, and create beautiful spaces in their own backyards and communities.

All you need to check out some seeds is a valid Chatham-Kent Public Library card.

The library is also looking for donations of any seed varieties, and residents who check out seeds are encouraged to save seeds from their gardens this year and donate them to CKPL to be used again next season.

Since starting the CKPL Grows Seed Library nine years ago, more than 50,000 seed packages have been checked out by residents.

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