
North Huron expanding Community Improvement Plan

North Huron is updating it's Community Improvement Plan to make funding available for more businesses.

Council approved an amendment to the CIP that will make the entire North Huron area eligible for the grants. Before, only businesses in the downtown cores of Wingham, Blyth and Belgrave could access the funding.

Deputy Reeve Kevin Falconer said the change was needed as the business landscape continues to change.

"We have a lot of farm tourism, we have small businesses that are not on our main streets," he said. "It's been more and more the expansion in our municipalities have been equally outside of our downtown cores... I've applauded this CIP since it started, it's one of the few programs we've had that we can actually physically see promotion in our township."

Council also approved the addition of five new grants, for Agri-Tourism; Development Charges; Planning Application, Building Permit Fee and Site Studies; the Tax Increment Equivalent Program; and Start-up Space Leasehold Improvements.

A review of the CIP was part of the update North Huron Strategic Plan, which included town staff surveying 35 businesses about the program.

The Township will begin receiving applications for the latest round of CIPs by early 2025, once next year's budget is adopted.

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