OPP cruiser. File photo by Blackburn News.OPP cruiser. File photo by Blackburn News.

OPP cruiser gets struck from behind on Hwy. 401 in CK

A 20-year-old driver is facing charges after ramming an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) cruiser from behind on Highway 401 in Merlin.

OPP Sergeant Ed Sanchuk said the eastbound OPP cruiser was struck from behind near Merlin Road by a pickup truck traveling at 120 kilometres per hour on the 401 around 6 a.m.

"I can't make this up. Just imagine traveling down Highway 401 heading to and from work, running that errand and be struck from behind by a vehicle traveling in the same direction at highways speeds. Well, that exactly what transpired early this morning," said Sanchuk in disbelief.

Sergeant Sanchuk is urging drivers to stay focused on the road and be safe.

"It's not only dangerous, it could have had devastating consequences. So, we're asking everybody -- if you can't stay focused on the task at hand, which is driving, then do us all a favour -- stay off of our roadways because you're not only putting yourself at risk, you're putting general motorists and the general public at risk," the sergeant noted.

Sanchuk said thankfully there were only minor injuries to the officers and minor damage to the vehicles.

"We're just glad to say there were only minor injuries involved in this incident. And again I'm just sitting here shaking my head wondering how you strike a vehicle from behind traveling at highway speeds," Sanchuk said.

The OPP is conducting its "Stay Focused" campaign in an effort to reduce the amount of deaths and injuries caused by inattentive driving on roads and highways.

Sanchuk noted 45 people died on southwestern Ontario roads last year as a result of distracted and inattentive driving.

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