Chatham-Kent council chambers. (Photo courtesy of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent)Chatham-Kent council chambers. (Photo courtesy of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent)

CK council could be cut to 13 if preferred option is approved

Chatham-Kent council is set to choose one of three ward boundary and council composition options at its meeting on Monday night.

The consultant, StrategyCorp, is suggesting reducing the size of council to 13 members, 15, or keeping it at 18, but prefers the option to downsize council to 12 councillors and one mayor.

StrategyCorp said cutting five councillors would save taxpayers $234,181 per year.

The breakdown with the revised Wallaceburg and Chatham wards has five councillors in three wards in Chatham and seven councillors in six wards in Kent County.

The revision also leaves Wallaceburg as one ward with two councillors.

Recommended Draft Ward Option 13B-V2 (Revised). (Photo via Municipality of CK)

StrategyCorp wrote in its final report to be presented Monday evening that the preferred option of 13 council members will deliver effective and equitable representation into the future.

It also noted that the preferred option will have boundaries that respect communities, prominent physical features, and patterns of transportation and communication that is "superior" to what's in place now and the other options to be considered.

"In our view, while each of the preferred options involves tradeoffs, we believe that each are acceptable, preferable to the status quo, and would pass the 'Effective Representation' test," wrote StrategyCorp.

The consultant also said if the direction of council is to reduce the number of councillors, the Citizen Review Committee for Council Remuneration could consider options next year, such as increasing councillor wages with no budget impact, cutting wage costs, or other options.

A bylaw of the chosen option will be brought back to the January 27, 2025 Council meeting for a vote.

Council instructed StrategyCorp to develop options that wouldn't divide Wallaceburg, if possible, even if it requires two councillors or a larger area to maintain appropriate parity relative to other wards.

Other directives include that Chatham should no longer have six councillors in a single ward, but it should not be divided into six or more wards either because it splits up existing neighbourhoods and the Thames River should be used as a boundary in the County wherever possible.

The municipality said no deputations will be received on this item Monday night because public meetings were held last month.

Council passed a motion in February 2024 to retain a third-party consultant to conduct a Council Structure and Ward Boundary Review to ensure that Chatham-Kent’s ward boundaries, electoral structure, and Council structure continue to provide a system of “effective representation” for all residents.

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