Mike Woods, Cole Nussey, Angie Page, Tracy McIvenna, Brook Bishop and Manager Mark Lush present President Tim Haskell with $11,000.00.Mike Woods, Cole Nussey, Angie Page, Tracy McIvenna, Brook Bishop and Manager Mark Lush present President Tim Haskell with $11,000.00.

Chatham Giant Tiger gives back

The Giant Tiger store in Chatham is giving back to the community.

Employees at the Thames Lea Plaza location collected $11,000 for the Chatham Goodfellows 'No Child Without a Christmas' campaign. The funds were raised through the store's annual 'Someone’s Angel This Christmas' initiative.

According to a news release from Chatham Goodfellows president Tim Mifflin, this isn't the first time Giant Tiger has shown generosity.

"In 2017, the staff collected almost $10,000.  Last year over $16,000 was collected.  This year $11,000.00 was collected," the release said. "Giant Tiger and staff were the Chatham Goodfellows 2018 President Award recipient.  They were recognized for their long-term support for Chatham Goodfellows. "

The store is also a supporter of the Chatham Goodfellows boot program. The program had been dormant since 2013, however Giant Tiger Manager Mark Lush and his staff worked with the Goodfellows to reintroduce it in 2017.

Mifflin said the boot program partnership with Giant Tiger will continue on and because of it, every child involved in the campaign in 2019 was able to receive a Giant Tiger boot and shoe certificate.

Now that the 'No Child Without a Christmas' campaign 2019 has wrapped up, Mifflin said the Goodfellows are looking forward to 2020's campaign.

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