(BlackburnNews.com file photo by Adelle Loiselle)(BlackburnNews.com file photo by Adelle Loiselle)

Not the time to lower guard in COVID-19 response

The newest figures show urban communities, such as the Greater Toronto Area, remain hotspots for COVID-19, while the number of cases in rural Ontario have largely declined.

Medical Officer of Health for Grey Bruce, Dr. Ian Arra, congratulates local communities for having 'exceptional results', but does not think rural communities should reopen any faster than the rest of the province.

"If we open our businesses earlier than other areas around us, it's guaranteed we're turning ourselves into a magnet for people to come to their shopping, or their vacation, or do any activity that's restricted in their areas," said Arra.

Dr. Arra adds he would like to reopen communities as quickly as possible, but it needs to be done safely.

That means waiting a minimum of 15 days after a sector of business opens before reopening the next, to properly monitor the results.

"It's not the time to lower our guard. We need to open our businesses as fast as we can in a responsible way, and in a safe way," added Arra.

As of 3:30 p.m. on May 27, there were no new cases of COVID-19 reported in Grey Bruce and no cases in long term facilities in the two counties.

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