Don't expect to see ATVs on all rural roads in Chatham-Kent anytime soon.
A bylaw aimed at legalizing All Terrain Vehicles on most municipal roads ended in a 9-9 tie and failed. East Kent councillor Steve Pinsonneault feels the failure hurts the municipality.
"It would have been really good for the rural economic development and it's unfortunate that the city councillors didn't see it that way," says Pinsonneault. "It was one of those things that has no cost to it, and I'm sure we would have been the front runner and all of southwest Ontario would have adopted it, it would have been such a good thing."
Key concerns from councillors that voted the bylaw down included damage to the shoulder of rural roads, road safety, and trespassing on private property.
Pinsonneault figures it will take the next term of council before a possible ATV bylaw change returns for consideration.