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Registration opens for annual CMHA My Dad's Group program

Registration is open for the Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce's My Dad's Group sessions. 

Men’s Program Supervisor, Jon Farmer, says the program has been running since the 90's and is run in partnership with Bruce Grey Child and Family Services. He explains the program gives guys the chance to connect with other dads and offer and receive support when it comes to parenting.

"It's a program that connects men who are supporting kids in whatever capacity, to talk about the things that make us good men in the lives of kids, the importance of men in the lives of kids, and to help us build our own understanding and skillsets so we can show up in the best way possible," Farmer explained.

Farmer says the group discusses things like changing parenting standards and how to break unhealthy patterns so they aren't passed down to kids, among many other things.

"It's a really supportive environment. We take the approach that every guy coming in, regardless of how old their kid or kids are, is coming in with experience and that we are building on that collective experience over the course of the 11 week program," said Farmer.

According to the CMHA, having a supportive group like this is critical to supporting men's health, because as Farmer points out, there's no guidebook when kids enter our lives, and isolation can be very detrimental.

"When we isolate ourselves, we tend to spiral. Having a supportive place where guys can just talk to each other about the amazing things and about the really hard things, can do a lot to break down the belief that men have to keep all of their emotions bundled up, or that they can't talk about anything other than what's going well," Farmer added.

Many men have found the program so helpful that they return for more.

"We've had guys who've signed up for three or four consecutive programs, because they find that they can talk about the things going on in their loves and connect with other guys, in a way that helps and if we're not here to help each other, I don't know what we're here for," Farmer stated emphatically.

The program for this fall will start next Monday, September 16 and Tuesday the 17, and runs 11 weeks. Meetings will be in the evenings in Owen Sound on Mondays and Hanover on Tuesdays.

Registration is free, and dinners are provided. For more information or to register for the program, please visit https://greybruce.cmha.ca/programs/my-dads-group/ or contact the Men’s Program at 519-372-2720 or via email at mp@cmhagb.org.

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