Emergency Preparedness Kit. (Photo by Pixsooz / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

BCPL offering Be Prepared workshops

In honour of Emergency Preparedness Week, the Bruce County Public Library (BCPL) will be holding sessions at each of its branches this week to help you be ready for the worst.

The Be Prepared workshops are a collaboration between the Canadian Red Cross, Bruce County Emergency Management, and BCPL.

You will be given handouts with important information and be shown how to create a 72-hour emergency kit.

"Having an emergency kit is one of those things that you don't appreciate until you actually need it," said Nancy Kuhl, BCPL's program coordinator. "Having that plan ahead of time and being prepared is certainly beneficial."

Kuhl outlined the power outages Bruce County can face during winter months and downed power lines with wind storms. She said the kit is useful for multiple-day hydro outages or something more severe, like an earthquake.

Strategies for evacuation plans will be discussed, too. Workshops may be customized, depending on the area you live in and the need for different situations, such as a nuclear emergency if you live closer to Bruce Power.

For anyone who is not able to attend in person, a recorded session will be uploaded to the library's YouTube channel. If you would like to attend a session, happening at all branches, you can see the full list here. Kuhl asked anyone interested to call the branch ahead of time and let them know about your attendance.

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