Planned subdivision at Delaware Avenue and Idlewild Drive in Chatham. (Photo via Municipality of CK)

Housing continues to be top of mind in CK

Chatham-Kent councillors will be mulling over a few housing proposals on Monday at their Council meeting.

A draft plan for a subdivision at Delaware Avenue and Idlewild Drive in Chatham will be up for approval Monday night.

The plan proposes 105 residential lots and municipal parks or open spaces on 96.6 acres of vacant farmland.

"The proposed development represents an efficient use of vacant underutilized lands within the Chatham settlement area," wrote Chatham-Kent Director of Planning Services Ryan Jacques in his report to Council. "The proposed densities will provide a range of housing options for residents of Chatham-Kent."

Jacques also noted the lands have access to full municipal services and are near public services.

A Traffic Impact Study has concluded that the proposed development will not adversely impact area traffic.

Council is also being asked to remove a hold on lands in Wallaceburg to allow new development to move forward on Lisgar Street and Elizabeth Street.

The holding symbol does not allow new buildings or structures to be erected or located on the land until full reconstruction of Elizabeth Street and Lisgar Street has occurred and full municipal services are available to the property to the satisfaction of the municipality.

The reconstruction is done and municipal services to support the planned development of semi-detached dwellings are available, according to Jacques' report, and the requested zoning bylaw amendment to remove the holding symbol from the lands can proceed.

Chatham-Kent is also pursuing two federal funding opportunities to increase the housing supply in the community.

Chatham-Kent has applied to the Housing Accelerator Fund and is preparing an application to the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund to support municipal water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste infrastructure projects.

However, to access both of these funds, the municipality must implement zoning amendments to allow four housing units as-of-right on serviced urban residential properties.

According to Jacques, a draft zoning change up for approval Monday night would legally allow a single detached dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling in all of Chatham-Kent low-density zones and will legally permit four units as-of-right on all fully serviced urban residential properties.

"It is anticipated that future funding opportunities under Canada’s Housing Plan will continue to include this density requirement. Therefore, it is important that the decision-making process to amend the Zoning By-law proceed. In general, such zoning changes will provide opportunities for higher densities through the construction of varied housing types in future growth areas than in areas already developed," Jacques wrote.

More than 50 per cent of Chatham-Kent’s existing low-density urban residential properties already allow four or more housing units as-of-right, said Jacques.

As-of-right zoning is a right given to owners of property to use or develop it without the need of approval from city council or a public hearing. In other words, it is the foundational legal framework which allows for four-units-as-of-right.

Administration noted it will continue to identify opportunities to increase housing options and will continue to pursue funding opportunities from upper levels of government.

An annual information report regarding affordable housing development will be provided to Council in March along with the results of successful grant applications.

The municipality also has an eye on building a nine-storey, 87-unit apartment building on the south side of Indian Creek Road West, opposite Lacroix Street in Chatham, but it needs more public consultation before it pulls the trigger on the proposal.

Council is being asked to receive public submissions on the application and to provide further direction to administration, if required.

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