An Ontario Provincial Police cruiser. (Photo by OPP)An Ontario Provincial Police cruiser. (Photo by OPP)

Walpole Island traffic stop turns up drugs, ammunition

A traffic stop at Walpole Island First Nation has resulted in a long list of charges for an alleged impaired driver.

Lambton OPP said at around 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 19 officers conducted a traffic stop on Ashkebee Road.

The driver, a 57-year-old Walpole Island First Nation resident, was arrested and charged with the following:

-Operation while impaired - alcohol and drugs

-Operation while impaired - blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)

-Operation while prohibited under the Criminal Code

-Possession of firearm or ammunition contrary to prohibition order (two counts)

-Possession of a schedule I substance - opioid (other than heroin)

-Use plate not authorized for vehicle

-Drive motor vehicle - not equipped with ignition interlock device

-Operate a motor vehicle without insurance

According to police, the charges of possession of a firearm or ammunition was laid because officers allegedly found ammunition in the vehicle. No firearm was found.

Police said the vehicle was impounded for 45 days and the accused was released from custody with an October court date.

Lambton OPP are reminding drivers that no amount of alcohol or drugs in your system is safe while driving.

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