Chatham Coloured All-Stars 1934 Championship photo (Breaking the Colour Barrier, accessed November 25, 2020, Coloured All-Stars 1934 Championship photo (Breaking the Colour Barrier, accessed November 25, 2020,

Chatham Coloured All-Stars celebrated at local schools

An exhibit highlighting the Chatham Coloured All-Stars baseball team is making its way through schools across the Lambton-Kent District School Board to teach students about the team's trailblazing accomplishments.

The Interim Executive Director and Curator at Chatham-Kent's Black Historical Society and Black Mecca Museum Samantha Meredith said the exhibit is travelling to schools across the school board throughout the rest of the school year.

Schools that haven't already registered can register to show the exhibit and they will get the Chatham Coloured All-Stars comic books and work through some curriculum and lessons on the team as well, according to school board officials.

She said so far, the exhibit has been to two schools in Chatham; Tecumseh Public School and Queen Elizabeth II, and it will be going to John McGregor Secondary School in Chatham next week.

"Perhaps one of the most important things to remember is to not only be celebrating and learning about Black history during Black History Month, but throughout the whole year. Afterall, Black History is Canadian History and as Canadians we need to celebrate these stories all of the time," said LKDSB Public Relations Officer Caress Lee Carpenter.

The Chatham Coloured All-Stars was the first Black team to win an Ontario Baseball Association championship in 1934. The legendary team has been honoured with a children’s book, baseball cards, comic books, at the University of Windsor, the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame, and most recently was inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame.

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