A handful of local organizations will be getting a funding boost, thanks to the 20th Annual Festival of Giving.
After three years of pandemic forced virtual festivals, the event debuted its in-person return on June 3 with a "Retro Rewind" theme at Sons of Kent Brewing Company.
A total of $47,500 was raised.
On Wednesday, festival organizers finalized donations and met with local community groups.
The Chatham-Kent Youth Wellness Hub (YWHO) received a donation of $35,000.
YWHO is a walk-in, one-stop shop for youth, ages 12-25 to connect with mental health supports, substance use care, primary care, housing, and other community and social services.
The Thamesville Sertoma Club received a $10,000 donation for their ongoing support of the event, while Santa for Seniors received a $2,500 donation from the festival committee.
"The Festival of Giving chairs would like to thank local sponsors for supporting a new look FoG," read a statement from organizers. "Teksavvy was the first to come on board, and we owe one of Chatham-Kent’s biggest corporate supporters a heartfelt thank you."
The festival featured food, drinks, local entertainment, as well as live and silent auctions.