Flooding at Point Pelee National Park on Monday, April 16, 2018. (Photo courtesy of Point Pelee National Park)Flooding at Point Pelee National Park on Monday, April 16, 2018. (Photo courtesy of Point Pelee National Park)

"It's Really Scary," Says Resident Of Flood-Affected Area

A group of residents affected by recent flooding want a dialogue opened with elected officials.

People living in the Cotterie Park, Lakeshore Rd and Pulley Rd area of Leamington are seeking cooperation with institutions at the provincial and municipal level to ensure that there is better preparation the next time a significant rain falls or a high wind warning is issued.

Residents, and anyone concerned with flooding in that region are invited to a community meeting Sunday at the Car Barn Restaurant in Wheatley. People will be asked to provide input on moving forward with a community association, as well as cooperating with local authorities to clean up after last week's storms and ensure that the damage suffered is not repeated.

The Lake Erie shoreline between the eastern shore of Point Pelee and Wheatley Harbour bore the brunt of the storm. The Essex Region Conservation Authority says the shoreline damage is the worst in two decades.

Patrick Irwin is a 15-year resident of the area. He tells BlackburnNews.com that all his neighbours have been discussing is the recent flood damage, which to his estimation affects about 250 homes. He says during the most recent storm, water from Lake Erie was running through people's properties.

"I can't tell you how terrifying it is when you have property sitting ten feet below, and you have five-foot waves," says Irwin. "We're not blaming anyone, but the shoreline will have to be fixed. It's really scary."

Irwin says during last week's storm; he slept with his waterproof pants, a pair of boots and a flashlight nearby in case he needed to get up in the night to deal with flooding on his property or wind damage.

Residents are more than willing to have a meaningful conversation with elected officials, says Irwin, and they believe they have an excellent relationship with ERCA. He describes the neighbourhood as having homes that were built as early as the 1930s, with a well-rounded mix of people from a variety of backgrounds and occupations.

Irwin says Sunday's community meeting is designed to present a united front and a calm, reasonable voice when dealing with government agencies.

"We don't have an official voice at the table," says Irwin."If another storm comes, we could be at risk."

Chatham-Kent-Leamington MP Dave Van Kesteren spent Friday examining storm damage in the neighbourhood, along with shoreline erosion on Pelee Island that was exacerbated by last week's storm.

Sunday's meeting will be moderated by George Paisiovich, a community adviser who has also worked as a part-time staffer in Van Kesteren's office.

The Car Barn Restaurant is located at 23 Talbot Rd. E in Wheatley. The meeting begins at 12 noon.

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