
Lakeshore ATV Project Getting CK Attention

The newly formed Chatham-Kent ATV Club is encouraged by an approved pilot project in Lakeshore allowing the all-terrain vehicles on certain roads in Stoney Point and Lighthouse Cove.

Club president Vince Masse hopes the trial run is successful.

"I think it's a great thing. I'm very happy for them," Masse tells "Hopefully someday, between the two municipalities, we'll have a by-law going all the way through for ATV riders to ride legal on the back roads."

Masse is hoping Lakeshore's pilot project puts pressure on Chatham-Kent councillors to get their own by-law approved.

"I would hope so [for council] to see that other communities are moving forward with it and giving it a chance," says Masse. "I hope it all works out well."

The Chatham-Kent ATV Club is working with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to get an ATV bylaw passed after a previous effort to allow ATV's on roadways failed.

Masse hopes a meeting is set up soon between his club and the municipality to go over a potential by-law proposal.

"I'm thinking that if we all sat down at the table and looked at everything, we could probably resolve most concerns if not all of them," says Masse.

Chatham-Kent councillors are due to get another report on the issue as administration is currently reviewing the matter.

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